One heart a day…or five!

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The 100 Day Project is rolling right along. We’ve almost reached the halfway point. My little collection of hearts is growing and I’m loving seeing them pile up. This has turned out to be a very satisfying, easy, and enjoyable project.

One of the reasons is that I set my own rules and allow myself to create my hearts in small batches instead of one per day. Yep! I make five or six at a time. I always have lots of different things I’m working on so making a few hearts every few days has given me the flexibility to bounce around to all the other things I love to do too.

The 100 Day project is such a good exercise in self awareness! I find collaging the little hearts to be relaxing and fun, but following through to post a photo everyday on Instagram is something I tend to forget to do. Extra details are not my thing. So I’m giving myself permission to post photos every few days too. I’m pretty sure the 100 day Project police are not keeping track.

There are so many lessons to be learned by participating in a challenge like this at least once in your life. Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned so far:

  • I need a lot of flexibility in my daily and weekly schedule.

  • Setting up a designated station to complete the project helps a lot.

  • Having a project that’s portable can be helpful too.

  • The project is more fun if I can make changes along the way.

  • The project doesn’t have to have a purpose. That may be revealed in time.

  • Without some accountability, it’s really easy to get distracted by other things.

  • Working on a project for one hundred days gives me confidence to try harder things.

  • Projects that inspire others inspire me.

I encourage you to check out all the other artists and creative people working on their own 100 Day Projects on Instagram. You can see my entire collection of hearts (so far) here!


Vintage Dyed Pages of Possibility


Busy Hands, Peaceful Heart