Messy Hands, Happy Heart
And my Word for 2023 is…Emerge!
It’s time to come out of that cozy cave I’ve been in for several years now. It’s time to share more of my own techniques and tips. It’s time to offer more encouragement and inspiration to my fellow creatives. It’s time to take more risks, be more accessible, speak up, reach out, and shine!
I have so much I want to offer you! Wrapping it all into neat little packages will be the challenging part. My plan is to share more process videos and tutorials with you as I practice my video editing skills. Patience is not one of my character strengths so it’s common for me to head off to the studio to tear paper or smoosh paint around when the going gets tough. I’m hoping my Word Of The Year will inspire me to keep going through the sticky parts. You can really help keep me on track too!
Accountability is like magical fairy dust for me. So please, ask me questions about my tools, what kind of paint I like best, and where to get that yummy handmade paper you see me using. Let me know what you need help with in your creative practice. I’m happy to share my favorite supplies, courses, teachers, and my own personal strategies for living a creative life.
“I’d like to help you open a door to a new world where your creativity is free to run and explore. A place where it’s okay to get paint on your clothes and glitter in your hair. A place where no one is ever too old or too late or believes they can’t draw! ”
I’ve made a new Word Of The Year collage to hold my special Word for 2023 and it hangs in my studio now. I also filmed myself making it just for you! I hope it inspires you to get your hands a wee bit messy and see how happy it makes your heart. Thank you for inspiring me to show up and share!
XO, Colleen