Words Become Worlds
It’s confession time. I’ve thought about writing about a hundred times this past year. It never happened.
I have lots of excuses. It was a busy year. My husband was traveling a lot. My hand was sore. My son got married and there were a million things to do for the wedding. I had plants to water. There were birds to feed. I was obsessed with my new iPad.
The truth? I just couldn’t decide what to write about.
So I’m starting again. I still don’t have a clear plan. More than anything, I’d like to offer more encouragement to those of you who are just beginning your creative journey and to those of you who are attempting to find your way back to it.
I know how powerful words can be. They have the the power to unlock entire worlds we never knew existed. I’d like to help you open a door to a new world where your creativity is free to run and explore. A place where it’s okay to get paint on your clothes and glitter in your hair. A place where no one is ever too old or too late or too short of time or believes they can’t draw!
I hope you’ll stick around and be patient as I fumble my way back to this writing gig.
Till next time…
XO, Colleen
“Here’s the sexy white hot truth about creativity. It’s a religious experience. It’s a transcendental adventure. It’s the losing of the daily self and entering the magic kingdom. You come back bigger. You come back satiated. You come back sweeter. You come back with wings and fins and new toes that seek for higher ground. You never come back the same.